In My View

Factors to Keep in Mind While Applying Study Abroad

Rohan Ganeriwala, Co-Founder, Collegify

Study Abroad programs are becoming increasingly attractive as more and more college students...

Digital India Cannot Do Without the Protective Wall of Cyber Security

Pradipto Chakrabarty, Regional Director, CompTIA India

By Pradipto Chakrabarty, Regional Director, CompTIA India

Using Big Data Analysis in Higher education

Amit Singh, CEO and Co-founder, OutsiteVR

By Amit Singh, CEO and Co-founder, OutsiteVR

Of Parrots and Monkeys

David Wittenberg, Professor of Entrepreneurial Innovation, ISME and ISDI

By David Wittenberg, Professor of Entrepreneurial Innovation, ISME and ISDI

3D Printing: A faster growing Software

Shiju George, Founder & Partner, Kyeesha Techno Solutions & Kyeesha Institute of Technology

By Shiju George, Founder & Partner, Kyeesha Techno Solutions & Kyeesha Institute of Technology

Research as a Career Path

Prof. S. Gopalkrishnan, Chairman - Department Aerospace Engineering, IISc Bangalore

To Make in India indigenous technology is needed and it requires a lot of research and...

Need for an Employability Framework in India

Prof. Gurucharan Singh, Vice President - Corporate Affairs, HR & Training, Cambridge Institute of Technology

Engineering education in India has come a long way from the first college of engineering started...

Emphasising on the Employer Requirements based on Industry Standards in Bahrain

Professor Seamus Cowman, Professor Sameer Otoom and Cameron Mizra, Head, President and Higher Education Council, Royal College of Surgeons, Ireland-Bahrain

In any university, there is a common acceptance that a progressive educational institution is...

Why, We Still Find it Tough to Find an 'Angrybird' or 'Facebook' From Indian Campus!

Arun Gupta, CEO & Founder, MoMagic Technologies Pvt. Ltd.

The wide-gap between the quality available and demand is still a concern, though the present Startup fever leading to the...

Role of Technology in Education

Suneet Singh Tuli, CEO, DataWind Ltd

Technology ushers in fundamental structural changes that can be integral to achieve significant improvements in productivity

Make Professional Body membership mandatory for all students pursuing Higher Education

Prof. Prashant R.Nair, Vice-Chairman- Computer Science & Engineering, Amrita University

India has one of the largest higher education systems in the world with almost 650 universities and 46000 colleges and academic institutions as per All India Survey on Higher...

Career Progression in Banks

Devendra Sing, Subject Matter Expert - Banking Management, TimesPro - Times Centre for Learning

By Devendra Sing, Subject Matter Expert - Banking Management, TimesPro - Times Centre for Learning

Success has a New Definition

Atul Temurnikar, Chairman and Executive CEO, Global Schools Foundation (GSF), Singapore

World's top most universities offer admissions not only on the basis of aggregated marks scored by an individual; they prefer a student with well-rounded qualities.

Education Adopting Latest Technologies

Rama Dhuwaraha, AVC & CIO, University of North Texas System

Universities are innovation hubs where research is the lifeblood. We need a framework where innovations can be commercialized faster in order to foster growth. Campuses need...

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