In My View

Why Skill Development is Crucial for Fresh Graduates

Mr. Nikhil Barshikar Managing Director, Imarticus Learning

In India, higher education is something of a paradox. The customary point of having a college...

Designing the Design Education to Add Values through Design

Yatin Pandya, Founder, Footprints E.A.R.T.H

Design, as the word suggests, is about DE - SIGNING. To detach, dissect, distil, Discern,...

Communicating with Students in Higher Education

Professor Graham Kendall, CEO, The University of Nottingham (Malaysia Campus)

Universities also require a strategy, possibly based around social media, to try and attract...

How can Online Course Bridge the Students with Missing Links in Their Technical Education

Gaurav Raina, Assistant Professor, IIT Madras

By Gaurav Raina, Assistant Professor, IIT Madras

IT Trends Shaping the Growth of Higher Education

Anne Kealley, CEO, CAUDIT

Heraclitus, a Greek philosopher of the late 6th cen­tury BCE, said the world is identified by...

Being a Tech Savvy Lawyer

Smita Priyadarshini, Senior Managing Legal Director, Dell EMC

It is a universally accepted fact that technology and development go hand in hand. There is not...

Education and the Technology Solutions Companies

Harold John D. Culala, Director, Education Technology Center

When tech companies sell their IT solution products for teaching and learning...

Top Reasons to Choose Ireland as a study abroad destination

Gurinder Bhatti, Chairman & Managing Director, ESS Global

In recent times, India has become one of the fastest developing nations in the world and is considered to be one of the biggest...

How Architecture as an Education Contributes to Professional Arena

Varun Juneja, VP- Design & Development, ATS Infrastructure

Architecture is the purposeful integration of design and technological skills, knowledge, management expertise and art within...

Redefining the Role of Universities in the Modern Era

Prof. John Dewar, Vice-Chancellor and President, La Trobe University

By Prof. John Dewar, Vice-Chancellor and President, La Trobe University

Save our Engineering Souls (SoES)!!! Need of the hour

Prof. (Dr.) V.R. Raghuveer , Dean- R&D and HoD - CSE Department, Geetanjali Institute of Technical Studies

The scope for engineering is far more than what is been thought these days and the engineers have to be made in such a way they should feel more capable than their peers doing...

Overseas Education: Students Must Enumerate a SWAT Analysis on their Profile

Adarsh Khandelwal, Co founder, Collegify

Students should attempt to strengthen their profile with the goal of making themselves more attractive to admissions committees

Jobs of the Future: Opportunities in the IT Sector

James Stanger, Senior Director - Products, CompTIA

By James Stanger, Senior Director-Products, CompTIA

Adapting to the Confluence of Change in Times of 4.0

Dr. Uday Salunkhe, Group Director, WeSchool

Dr.Uday Salunkhe,Group Director, WeSchool

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