
Delhi University Gets 1,324 Overseas Applications For 2021-22 Session

The Delhi University has recently said it has received a total of 1,324 overseas applications, including 320 from Afghanistan, for the 2021-22 academic year.

Today is the Last Date to Apply Online for UPCET 2021

Uttar Pradesh Combined Entrance Test, UPCET 2021 registration process closes today. Last date to apply for the entrance examination for various undergraduate and postgraduate courses for this academic year is July 6, 2021.

Delhi Skill Entrepreneurship University Initiates 11 UG Courses, Admissions to Start from July 6

The Delhi Skill and Entrepreneurship University (DSEU) has recently launched 11 flagship skill-based undergraduate courses and admissions for 6,000 seats in their inaugural academic year (2021-22) will begin from 6th of July.

IIT Delhi Introduces New Chair in Data Analytics

The Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Delhi has established a...

How can doctors start to revalidate and continue to practice in the UK?

Doctors are one of the most respected professions in the world, and...

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