CLAT 2021 Results to be Released Today, Read Here to Know Where and...
Today, the Consortium of National Law...
Engineering Seats at Lowest Level in a Decade, With 63 Institutes...
The total number of seats in...
4 of the Most Critical Law Office Website Ranking Factors You...
Law offices need websites if they are...
No Proposition to Rename IIT Madras as IIT Chennai, Notifies...
In response to a written question...
CLAT 2021: Results to Be Announced on 28th July, Counselling Schedule Released
The Consortium of National Law Universities has recently released the dates for the result announcement for the Common Law Admission Test (CLAT). The CLAT 2021 result will be announced on July 28.
Medical Aspirants Appeal NEET UG to Be Postponed; #PostponeNEETUGSeptToOctober Trends
The National Eligibility cum Entrance Test Undergraduate (NEET-UG) is scheduled to be held on September 12.
Why Spain is Considered as a Top International Higher Education Destination
Spain has been consistently climbing up the list of top higher education destinations in the world and students from across the globe now aspire to pursue their higher education in Spain. A recent data shows that there were 194,743 international st..
How Hotel Management Students can find Internships Overseas?
For prospective professionals in the hospitality and tourist...
What You Need to Do to Work With CRISPR
CRISPR, or more accurately CRISPR-Cas9, is a gene editing tool that...
The Government Gives Nod to Setting Up Central University in Ladakh
The Union Cabinet on Thursday approved the establishment of a...
IITs, IISc Collaborate to Offer Novel Courses on Electric Vehicles, IoT, Sustainable Development Through Swayam Platform
The National Programme on Technology Enhanced Learning (NPTEL), a...