| |9 September 2019HIGHERReviewProf. Dr. Rima Ghose ChowdhuryProf. Dr. Rima Ghose Chowdhury is a seasoned HR practitioner and Academician, who has been with the corporate world for close to two decades now. As a seamless continuation of her role of managing millenials as VP HCM at Quinnox Consultancy Services, Dr. Rima has just done a transition as Professor and HoD-HRM at NL Dalmia Institute of Management Studies & Research, to groom and develop young MBAs. She has been a recipient of (one of) 50 Most Influential HR Tech Leaders Award 2015, at World HRD Congress and also received Industry Accolade like 'Young HR Professional of The Year' at Asia Pacific HRM Congress in 2009.Not everyone is a born leader; rather most are not, yet through life experiences, openness to feedback and willingness to improve, they are catapulted to leadershiptries, India is considered a masculine country with a score of 56 on this dimension of Masculinity vs. Femininity (MAS). This in-dicates that the Indian society is majorly driven by achievements, success and competitive spirit, which are perceived to be mascu-line attributes. Women in responsible positions do possess these attributes and also the `perceived' feminine qualities of emotional drive, relationship-building, intuition.But unfortunately, the number of women as we go up the lad-der, at the board level, is abysmally low. "In India, women make up 42 percent of new graduates, but only 24 percent entry-level professionals. Of these, about 19 percent reach senior-level man- agement roles. Women hold only 7.7 percent board seats and just 2.7 percent of board chairs" (Financial Express, Aug 14, 2017). These scenarios can be considerably changed with the light of education that will automat-ically illuminate the path to a better tomorrow, giving everyone equal opportunities to excel. I would urge ev-eryone to share their wisdom with those that can benefit from it, help create a better and more inclusive world. Before the professional world beckons, it is educational sector which is like a window providing the world view. This sector makes human beings as against a product or a service.Piece of AdviceYou might have to adapt to situations, but that does not mean you have to lose your uniqueness and the strength of your natural style, do not get into destructive escap-ism. In moments of difficulty, listen to the inner voice of wisdom. Life throws its own googlies at you, cou-ple of ducks are fine as long there are multiple sixers to cherish, you can't win every time. Take the help of your Mentor/s, who you have met and cherished during your journey, who understand your strengths as well as weak-nesses and are always there to offer guidance, remember even CEOs have coaches. The path to any change is never easy, but if you are committed and determined to follow it, every-thing falls in place. If you are a working woman and a hands-on mother both (which many of us are), do not be on a guilt trip always. The fact that you are balanc-ing both is a feat in itself. No need to prove to anyone that you are a superwoman you ARE ONE. Re-member, nothing in the world is perfect. The jour-ney to achieve perfection is the one to be enjoyed. (As told to HER Team)
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