| |9 OCTOBER , 2024HIGHERReviewtime but it also helps in saving a large sum of money that is spent on tuition fees and living costs. During the term time students can work part-time for up to twenty hours per week. Also, students can work full-time during their semester break and this will help them in paying their bills as well as gain industry experience in their field of study too. "London has a rich culture and values that attract students from all over the world, making London the top choice not only for Indian students but for students all over the world. In 2023, the UK granted 120,110 sponsored study visas to Indian students, which is a substantial increase from the previous years," says Neha Sethi, Chief Financial Officer, Prodigy Finance.Universities in the United Kingdom implement a combination of practical & theoretical teaching methods hence any degree from a university in the United Kingdom will add more value to your resume. Moreover, the combination of your experience, exposure and education to the business world offers a competitive edge which demonstrates the ability of functioning in any setting anywhere around the world.Some of the top universities in the United Kingdom include Imperial College London, University of Oxford, University of Cambridge, London School of Economics, University of Warwick, King's College London, University of Bristol, University of Glasgow and others.CanadaEvery year 100s of 1000s of students go to Canada to pursue their higher education from around the world. Some of the top reasons why students can choose Canada as their international education destination are owing to the high standard of living. International students can benefit from the same rights as well as freedoms which protect all Canadians and Canada ranks in third place globally for the best quality of life. Also, Canada is renowned for providing high-quality education and research opportunities. They will also possess the flexibility of transferring between various types & levels of education without running into any roadblocks that are quite common in other countries.Students can access scholarships & work opportunities in Canada for helping them pay for their education. Also, during their studies several programs render co-op work placements or internships for obtaining hands-on experience. Most of the students from other countries are eligible for working during their studies & can obtain a post-graduate work permit post their studies. Lastly, students can obtain an excellent ROI when they leverage their internationally recognized Canadian qualifications for building their career. Your Canadian education as well as network will facilitate preparing students for their future whether they decide to stay in Canada or would want to return to their home country.Some of the top universities in Canada include University of Toronto, McGrill University, McMaster University, University of Alberta, University of Waterloo, University of Alberta, University of Calgary and others.International education opens several gates to numerous opportunities and this helps in adding immeasurable value to both their professional & personal journeys. The world-class education as well as research opportunities these students encounter inspires them to reach greater heights by fueling their passion for discovery & knowledge.
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