| |19 OCTOBER , 2024HIGHERReviewLeading Innovation & Education in Computer Science ELTE Faculty of Informatics offers a broad range of programs in classical computer science, providing education from BSc through MSc to PhD levels. The most popular major, Computer Science, is available at all levels, and it also includes a Preliminary Year program for students needing additional preparation in Mathematics, Informatics, and English before beginning their BSc courses. At the Szombathely campus, students can pursue BSc, MSc, and PhD degrees in Mechanical Engineering. The university also offers dual (industry-university joint) training in mechanical engineering for international students. ELTE offers a wide range of master's programs, a significant part of which are integrated into EIT Digital's European double degree program, in collaboration with leading European universities. Master's programs at ELTE include Software Technology, Artificial Intelligence, Autonomous Systems, Data Science, Geoinformatics, Intelligent Field Robotics, Cyber Security, Fintech and Mechanical Engineering. Business development skills are promoted at all levels of training. An innovative business development course is compulsory in the first year of the bachelor's degree. At the master's level, research and development are credit-bearing activities with the opportunity to work in collaboration with industrial partners. The EIT Digital program offers a 30-credit Innovation and Entrepreneurship module available to EIT Digital students. The PhD school offers diverse programs, including Software and Computer Science, Data Science, Networks and Information Systems, Scientific Computing and Models, Informatics Teaching Methodology, Geospatial Information and Spatial Data, and IT Solutions in Engineering Sciences. PhD students are active members of teaching-research communities and participate in research projects. The Industrial Doctorate program, operational since 2012, offers a 4-year EIT Digital Industrial PhD course in technology and innovation management, with company supervision, a jointly funded scholarship, and industrial work experience. ELTE also offers an attractive career model for university teachers, including opportunities for further training. The programs and staff are accredited by the Hungarian Accreditation Committee of ENQA, ensuring they meet the highest European standards for teaching quality. Esteemed guest lecturers are also invited regularly through various exchange programs. COLLEGES FOR COMPUTER SCIENCE& IT PROGRAMS IN EUROPE - 2024 HIGHER EDUCATIONReview TOP 10 PROMISING
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