| |9 9 December 2018HIGHERReviewTHE OCEAN OF OPPORTUNITIES IN TECHNICAL EDUCATIONAfter completing her PhD in Electrical Engineering from IIT Bombay, Shubha dedicated her life in amplifying academic structure of the country. Her 30 years of experience in the fi eld personifi es her knowledge on student curriculum and every minute technical aspects of teaching. At present, she holds the position of Principal of K J Somaiya College of Engineering.Dr. Shubha Panditer gaps that remain in the knowledge tank of the students is filled by the "Industrial and Communication Tools (ICT)".ICT is made easily available to the stu-dents and it helps them in unconventional learning. They choose courses of their in-terest and learn through industry guidance and equipments. Later, it depends on the students on applying their acquired knowl-edge in solving desk problems to yield optimum results.After completing a year in their job, students who pursue higher education actually take the fruitful decision of securing a better profes-sional career. The only reason being that workplace these days welcomes such candidates against any individual with an excellent grade chart but no relevant industry experience (I would suggest the students to stay one step ahead in their learning pace and take their decisions as par to industry requirements).Spaces Create AcesIt is evident from the `universal space' (where earth's rotations and revo-lutions results in days, nights and seasons) that space restores humdinger dreams by granting movements. To retrieve healthy learning among their students, management of every institute must provide learning spac-es in forms of classrooms in laboratories or laboratories in classrooms. Aside, for rational development of students, the management should also emphasize on: (i) Training the Teachers: Giving industrial exposure to teachers enable them in solving real life problems relating the contents of industrial cur-riculum. (ii) Student Centric Learning: Introducing more learning tools and making them available to students.(iii) Infrastructure Development: Constructing advanced technical learning. Today, in this student centric learning saga, teachers are beyond saints for their students! The only challenge the teachers face is keeping abreast with latest contents and sorting them for later usage. (As told to HER Team)
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