| |19 19 December 2018HIGHERReviewopment. This may take some time but what is important is that we have now embarked on that journey now. It also important to take note that in a country like India, which produces the highest number of engineers, it is ap-palling when you see several reports suggest that more than 80 percent of them unemployable. Getting our graduates employable is important for India but its success is entirely dependent on how we redesign our path to education. Therefore, while the educational institutions have a lot of work ahead of them, it is equally important for the em-ployers to help bridge the gap as well. In recent past em-ployers have been able to run the show by lowering their hiring standards in order to be fully staffed and they also in-vest a lot of energy on training programs to help make their employees more productive. Unfortunately while this may be a quick fix, it will be difficult to sustain in the long run. Several studies have shown that the deciding factor on se-curing a job is not the education, but rather the kind of skills the candidate possesses. Employers need to start rolling out more internship, apprenticeships & training program that are easily accessible. Employers can also approach educa-tional institutions and conduct programs that help build the student skill level. It is clear on what needs to be done; we need to have an alliance between the employer and academia to create the work force of the future. With so many state sponsored events and the realization of the problems we are facing in getting skilled employees, it will take time for us to start seeing results, especially something as large scale as this, however change in the right direction is inevitable.Getting our graduates employable is important for India but its success is entirely dependent on how we redesign our path to education
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