| |9 NOVEMBER 2023HIGHERReviewaccess to higher education. Today's students come from different backgrounds and have different responsibilities such as work, family and other commitments. Personalized learning allows them to access education on their own terms, fitting it into their schedule and adapting it to their individual needs.Online courses and virtual learning environments play an important role in improving access to higher education. Students can attend classes anywhere in the world, removing geographical restrictions. In addition, asynchronous learning options allow students to accelerate their studies around work or family commitments. Such increased flexibility democratizes education and provides opportunities for a wider and more diverse group of people to obtain higher education.Data-Driven Decision MakingPersonalized learning relies heavily on data and analytics to personalize the learning experience for each student. Educational institutions collect data on student performance, engagement and preferences to make informed decisions about curriculum and teaching methods. This data-driven approach helps educators identify at-risk students early and provide needed support, ultimately improving student retention.In addition, data analysis enables continuous improvement of training materials and strategies. By studying how students respond to different approaches, educational institutions can improve their offerings to optimize learning outcomes. This iterative process benefits individual students, but it also contributes to the overall quality of higher education.Teachers also benefit from data insight. Personal learning platforms provide teachers with real-time feedback on student progress, allowing them to adjust their teaching methods to better meet student needs. This not only improves teaching and learning, but also empowers teachers to make a meaningful impact.In a world inundated with data, the ability to extract actionable insights and make data-driven decisions is what separates successful businesses from the rest." Attributed to Priya Patel, Data Scientist and Co-Founder of an analytics start-up in India.Lifelong Learning and Skill DevelopmentThe traditional model of higher education usually has a fixed curriculum leading to a degree. However, in today's rapidly changing world, the requirement for continuous skill development and lifelong learning has become imperative. One-to-one learning fits this need well, as students can participate in training in a modular and more flexible way.Many colleges now offer microcredit's and certificates tailored to specific skills or knowledge areas. Students can choose individual courses or modules according to their career goals without committing to the full degree programme. This approach allows people to improve or retrain as needed, keeping pace with evolving industries and technologies.In addition, in-person learning platforms often offer a wide range of resources such as video lectures, interactive simulations and collaborative projects. These resources are valuable not only for traditional college students, but also for adult students who want to expand their knowledge and skills. Thanks to this, higher education becomes more adaptable and better responsive to the demands of the labour market and the changing needs of society."Data is not just the new oil, it's the new soil. It's the foundation upon which modern businesses grow and thrive." Said David McCandless, Data Journalist and Information Designer, London.Personalized learning is a revolutionary force in higher education that is shaping student learning and institutional teaching. It responds to individual learning needs, offers flexibility and accessibility, relies on data-driven decision-making and supports lifelong learning and skills development. As personalized learning continues to gain traction, it is likely to close gaps in education, making it more inclusive and responsive to the changing needs of students and the workforce. Adopting this innovative approach is critical for colleges that want to prepare students to succeed in an ever-changing world.Quotes One of the most important advantages of individualized learning in colleges is the ability to meet the individual needs of the student
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