| | 8 NOVEMBER 2023HIGHERReviewHow Personalized Learning is Reshaping Higher EducationPersonalized learning, a term that has been commonly used in the field of education for decades, holds significant importance. In our modern era, personalization reigns supreme; be it the customization of our emails or the specific milk preference for our beloved lattes. The infiltration of university and college classrooms was inevitable, requiring only a matter of time. "Personalized learning is a game-changer in higher education. It allows students to tailor their educational journey, promoting deeper engagement and a higher level of retention. Institutions that embrace this approach are better equipped to meet the diverse needs of their students." Said Dr. Jane Smith, Education Futurist GSEHD Washington, DCTailoring Education to Individual NeedsOne of the most important advantages of individualized learning in colleges is the ability to meet the individual needs of the student. Traditional classrooms often take a one-size-fits-all approach to teaching, leaving some students behind and others too far behind.In contrast, personalized learning recognizes that each student is unique, with their own strengths, weaknesses and learning preferences. With technology and data insights, teachers can create personalized lessons for each student. These pathways take into account the student's prior knowledge and, learning pace and interests, ensuring that they are properly challenged and supported.For example, if a student does well in math but struggles with English literature, personalized learning environments can adjust the curriculum to provide advanced math content and additional support in English. This tailored approach not only increases student engagement, but also increases their chances of success.Professor Sugata Mitra is known for his work on self-organized learning environments. He has spoken about individualized learning, stating, "The future of learning is not a one-size-fits-all approach but rather a dynamic, self-organized system that adapts to each student's needs".Flexibility & AccessibilityPersonalized learning also offers greater flexibility and accessibility, breaking down traditional barriers that limit HOW PERSONALIZED LEARNING IS RESHAPING HIGHER EDUCATIONFOCAL POINT
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