| |9 SEPTEMBER 2023HIGHERReviewFOCAL POINT On Aug 21, the University Grants Commission (UGC) released the curriculum and guidelines for life skills, also known as `Jeevan Kaushal' 2.0. The curriculum was developed in response to the National Education Policy (NEP) 2020 recommendation that learners be taught critical life skills that are neces-sary for their holistic development. UGC developed the first edition of the life skill curriculum in 2019 to assist undergraduate students in realising and bringing to the forefront their true potential and becoming socially re-sponsive citizens.The UGC Jeevan Kaushal curriculum contains four modules such as Communication Skills, Professional Skills, Leadership and Management Skills and Universal Human Values. To effectively implement the curriculum at the Undergraduate level by incorporating the major recommendations of NEP 2020, UGC has now come out with the Curriculum and Guidelines for Life Skills 2.0 (Jeevan Kaushal) 2.0.The curriculum includes new modules such as digi-tal literacy and social media, digital ethics and cyber security, verbal and nonverbal communication, cog-nitive and noncognitive skills, managing personal fi-nances and constitutional values, justice, and human rights.The curriculum and guidelines' main benefit is their practical approach, which includes role-playing, creat-ing an audio-video film, individual and group activities, case studies, demonstration, observation, and E-learning links, according to the curriculum forward.UGC RELEASES GUIDELINES FOR JEEVAN KAUSHAL PROGRAM
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