Personality Development at College Level | TheHigherEducationReview

Personality Development at College Level

Personality comes from Latin 'persona' a word meaning 'mask'. It is a derivational word made up of root morpheme 'person' and derivatives '–al' and ‘-ity' in which suffix ‘-al' is stem used in the sense of ‘kind of, pertaining to, having the form of or character of' and the suffix '-ity' denotes abstract state or condition. Hence Personality is an inner part of psychological experience including personal health, thought, emotion and behavioral characteristics of a human being. It is an invaluable part of person's inner traits that tend him to openness, conscientiousness, extroversion, agreeableness and neuroticism.

A person's status and standard can be judged on the base of his personality. It is the type of college and regularity of a student that determine the level of personality: neurotic, psychotic and broad line level. The sound form or level of a personality of a student is the neurotic level that denotes all round development of a student including ‘interact reality, consistent sense of self and other people and defensive mechanism'. At the college level, its essential ingredients can easily be inculcated in a student. A good college imparts a student both skills: ‘hard skills and soft skills' altogether. Equivalency of the both in a student is necessary. By achieving both the skills, a student feels complete in view of the four aspects: ‘physical, professional, mental and spiritual' of life. 


The best CV opted for an interview is that contains the balance of both skills. Hence, in each and every sense, personality is an engine of the long-term goal of a student. It is student's inherent trait of a person can only be developed at the college level in which he achieves never failing panacea for each and every walk of his life. At the college level, in each and every good school, three kinds of activities are performed: curricular, co-curricular and extra co-curricular. A student should never miss a chance to leave the active participation of any of the activities or else in a single day unformed activity may cause him a great lose in the garlands of his life. 


The three activities are three garlands of a student's life containing several beads. As missing of any beads may lessen the beauty of the garland, similarly missing of any of the activities out of the three may affect his career path or long-term goal of his life. So, to achieve the neurotic level that is a symbol of sound personality, a student needs to participate actively in all the three activities. 


Curricular activities concern to the use of pen, chalk, note book meaning the class surrounding, but co-curricular and extra co-curricular activities are performed out of the class involving no use of books, reading and teaching. Co-curricular activities are performed within the college boundary involve the programmes: NSS, Rovers & Rangers, and College sports or games, but extra co-curricular activities are performed outside the college. They inculcate in the mind of a student all the traits of his being social like active participation in voluntary services, plantation, sanitation, cultural, social and literacy programmes and so on.

All these activities make a student esthetically, mentally, intellectually, culturally, and physically alive with rhythmical symmetry in shape. If a college systemically runs all the three activities balance in nature and any student equally participate in all the three, a college is free to give the student ‘guarantee document' for his success in life. If a student participates in the only curricular activity, he becomes a bookworm, not a social creature and turns into an introvert. R.L. Stevenson calls such student, “…this fellow is an evil creature in other people's lives, they would be happier if he were dead." A bookworm student becomes an object of hatred to the society as his work turns into unsystematically and poor in the category. He does not learn the true meaning of the things and value of discipline that is a great part of his life. Hence if a single word ‘Personality' is all in all in the life of a student can bring a great change in his life, why not to develop it at the college level?

Dr. Deen Dayal,
Dr. Deen Dayal is a Ph.D. holder in English from Dr. B.R. Ambedkar University, Agra. He is an emerging Novelist, English & Hindi playwright, and Feminist Writer. Till date, His seven Hindi Plays have been staged. He is serving as an Assistant Professor of English in Govt. P.G. College, Mant, Mathura.

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