Top Reasons to Pursue Media & Mass Communication Studies

Fastest growing sector in recent decades, media and communication industry constitutes of various segments such as film, television, advertising, print media, music and digital, the media industry is seeing phenomenal growth. Today is the right time to be a part of the Media & Entertainment industry. Driven by robust demand, high competition, and strong government support regarding policies, the growth in the media sector promises exciting times ahead in all segments of the industry. For those who are interested in the media industry and want to opt it as their career Media and Mass communication courses offers a range of opportunities for the upcoming generation. Both the theoretical and practical experience of these courses is unmatched owing to its breadth of expertise across the industry. The course structure not only reinforces the inherent qualities of curiosity and creativity but also help in creating and developing sector-specific skill sets.

Here are some Top Reasons to Pursue Media & Mass Communication Studies:

1. Practical Exposure and Adventure

This course helps the student to travel to a diverse range of places, helps them explore the world from the new perspective of a journalist or filmmaker and cover different events and stories. It also gives the student the freedom to use their creative skills to their full capacity. There is not any particular way of working in this turf which gives the student the freedom to explore and shape out their style of working.

2. Multiple career options

Studying Communication can help students succeed professionally. Creating strong oral and written messages, working well with others, managing their image, researching, analyzing and solving problems are key abilities employers look for. As soon as you are sure about your key interest area in Mass media, you can apply for internships in newspapers, magazines, FM channels, Production houses, PR firms and can kick-start your career from there. Having multiple skills and vast knowledge could help you go really long in this field.

3. Art and Creativity

This course helps students develop their skills of thinking on their feet, solving dilemmas, resolving conflicts quickly, working in a team and public speaking.

4. A Mixture of Learning and Fun

You will find mass com students in a very jovial mood all the time as their faculty member is always fun loving and creative. They always create lively discussion and debates in the class so that a student can develop his personality.

5. Travel

Department of mass com is very cool in terms of learning. It is not mandatory learning will happen in the classroom. This department is always ready to move. Wherever you take admission, you will be in the game to travel, not only to see new places but also to learn new things.

6. Combined Courses

Media Studies usually offer a number of dual honors degrees meaning you’ll be able to combine a cultural education with another passion of yours or explore two strands of learning in greater detail.

7. Good Social Life

As the name suggests, Communication & Media studies is an area very much focused on the development of society. Media is the fourth pillar of the Indian constitution which gives an immense power and influence over the society. 

8. Interaction with Famous Personalities

Media & Mass communication is a course that gives privilege to students to meet great and famous personalities. For eg: If you are a reporter you can meet the PM of the country without any obstacle. The PRESS is regarded as the watchdog of the society, so it gives a massive amount of power to the cardholder.


Media profession jobs are among the one of the highly paid jobs. Media & Mass communication students can really earn a hefty amount in the future.

10. Power

As the saying goes ‘The Pen is mightier than the Sword’, a journalist can influence a massive audience with his thoughts and way of creative writing. He can guide millions of people simultaneously and can also act as the voice of the people.

Media & Mass Communication Studies have become one of the most popular degree courses that students choose to follow these days. It is also popularly known as Mass Comm. With the phenomenal and unprecedented explosion of communication technology and media across the world, the study of mass communication has become important and enviable. With technology playing an enormous role in our lives today, professions relating to mass communication increasingly need trained professionals who are quick and competent in their work. Careers in the various branches of mass communication are not only high paying but also provide the person with a great deal of job satisfaction and expression of creativity.

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