NMC lays down new Guidelines for Medical Exam Administration

The Post Graduate Medical Education Board of the National Medical Commission (NMC) has issued a set of guidelines for the administration of medical exams in colleges. This change is intended to streamline the examination process and ensure a consistent approach across medical institutions. The following are the key points to remember in accordance with the guidelines:

  • During the examination process, medical colleges must adhere to the guidelines established by the Post Graduate Medical Education Board (PGMER).
  • The requirement for medical schools to keep a video record of the entire examination process is a significant addition to the protocol. This includes information about the examiners, the examination procedures, the cases that were evaluated, and the students' thesis presentations.
  • The guidelines must be implemented right away. This ensures that all current and future examinations follow the new protocols.
  • The guidelines primarily serve the purpose of evaluating examinations for recognition, increased intake, and renewal of recognition for medical programmes during inspections.
  • Following the completion of the exams, medical colleges and institutes will be evaluated physically. This evaluation will cover infrastructure, clinical material, investigative material, and other examination-related facilities.
  • Notably, the guidelines exempt medical colleges from both physical and online examination process inspections. Colleges are given the freedom to carry out their examination schedules without being scrutinised.

    These guidelines are timely, as they provide a standardised framework for conducting medical exams.

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