IIT Kanpur Launches Academic Program to aid Gifted PhD Students

The Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur (IITK) has launched the Fellowship for Academic and Research Excellence (FARE), aimed at recognizing and supporting exceptional PhD students who exhibit outstanding academic and research capabilities. The initiative is designed to encourage the timely completion of doctoral studies and promote high-quality research output, as highlighted in the institute's press release.

Key details of the fellowship include:

- Eligibility: Full-time PhD students enrolled at IIT Kanpur who submit their thesis within five years of enrollment. Those who submit within five years and six months are also eligible, though the fellowship duration will be adjusted accordingly.

- Research requirement: Candidates must have at least one accepted or published research paper as the first author in a reputed journal or conference proceedings directly stemming from their PhD research. The fellowship applies to students from the Y18 batch onwards.

- Support: The fellowship provides financial support for up to 12 months, with a stipend equivalent to that of post-doctoral fellows at the Institute. Additionally, students will receive research-related grants.

- Supervision: The current thesis supervisor will continue to mentor the student, although collaborations with other faculty members during the fellowship period are permitted.

This initiative aims to foster a strong research culture at IIT Kanpur by incentivizing timely submission and promoting impactful research.

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