Top 10 Japan Colleges & Universities - 2022 | TheHigherEducationReview
Top 10 Japan Colleges & Universities - 2022

Top 10 Japan Colleges & Universities - 2022

Top 10 Japan Colleges & Universities - 2022

Institute Name



Chiba University Chiba-shi First national university to establish a college of liberal arts & sciences in Japan and challenging itself to offer the best environment for meeting the needs of the times
ExeJapan Business School Tokyo Japan’s first leading cross border education provider, offering a world-class education system to Japanese businessmen to develop their skills to outperform in world level competition
Keio University Tokyo Leverages its strengths as a comprehensive university to promote multidisciplinary research under the three initiatives of Longevity, Security, and Creativity
Kobe University Kobe An academic institution that has continued to encourage forward-looking and independent thinking in working towards ideal of creating harmony between theory & reality
Kyoto University Kyoto Offers undergraduate degrees: integrated human studies, letters, education, law, economics, science, medicine, pharmaceutical sciences, engineering and agriculture