Emmanuel Macron Urges Indian Students to Study French for a Year
French President Emmanuel Macron has announced the launch of international classes for Indian students to study French for a year in their country before taking their required qualifications. Classinternationales.org is accepting applications, and candidates can register until March 31, 2023.
The program is open to all Indian students regardless of their current level of French, according to a statement published on the official website. Academic excellence is the only requirement for students to enter the program, he said.
The Classes Internationales program has been designed to help India’s high school graduates access France’s educational offerings without being limited to English-taught programs alone. Regardless of already being a French language learner or a complete beginner, a student can now be admitted to French-taught undergraduate programmes of French higher education institutions after successfully completing a foundational year of immersive language training at that institution.
The program seeks to offer access to world-renowned French higher education institutions across all fields – universities, grandes écoles, engineering, management, sciences, humanities, arts, and other specialized schools.
Also, outstanding students will be awarded scholarships by the Embassy of France in India to support their higher education in France.