Cover Story

Quality education is the key to early success in life. In addition to a structured syllabus, quality education in business and management includes exposure to real world business and management concepts. This enhances a student's capacity over business strategies and policies. Involving such education measures, Indian School of Technology and Management (ISTM) has simplified higher education system and paved the way for students who are interested in learning professional and vocational courses. The management and technology school maintains best management practices, adhering to the unique measures formulated by the international management heads. It offers course materials with relatable case studies from multinational companies that a student can learn and understand without any help. ISTM has incorporated modern day technologies in teaching-learning paradigm that allows a student to learn ingeniously through virtual modes. With ISTM's holistic initiative, students can sit for...


  • The Dilemma Of Reward!

    Professor Abhilasha Singh, Provost and Vice-President, Academic Affairs, American University