Burren College Of Art | HigherEducationReview

Cover Story

Established in 1994 as a purpose built art college, by the President of Ireland, the Burren College of Art (BCA) was the vision of local couple Mary Hawkes-Greene and Michael Greene, who wanted to provide international student artists the opportunity to create art in the inspirational Burren setting. An ancient, spiritual karst landscape on Irelands Atlantic Coast, the Burren has long been a mecca for artists of all genres. The college enables artist to pursue academic programmes in this unique and powerful environment ­ acting as an alternative to large scale urban institutions. Renowned for its Innovative Courses Burren College of Art provides a range programmes for undergraduate study abroad students, a Post-Baccalaureate preparatory programme for those wishing to progress to masters level; MA and MFA programmes in Fine art and in Art and Ecology and a practice based PhD programme. The college offers a wide variety of fine art courses in Painting, Drawing, Photography,...
