N.K.T. National College Of Education For Women | HigherEducationReview

Cover Story

Higher Education institutions are crucial in promoting academic and research exCellence in education through an inclusive approach. Acting as catalysts, they promote competency-based education incorporating innovative teaching methods, critical thinking and research skills, thereby equipping students for evolving global challenges. Fostering prime values like integrity, responsibility, collaboration, humanitarianism, etc., Teacher Education Institutions such as N.K.T. National College of Education for Women endeavour to transform students into well-informed and socially responsible global educators, playing a key role in human resource development to meet the evolutionary and dynamic challenges at the global level. Comprehensive Academic Programmes in Teacher Education N.K.T. National College of Education for Women, which was established in the year 1966 by Sriman N.K. Thirumalachariar, a visionary and philanthropist, is situated at the heart of Chennai city in an area of 3.06...
