Belarusian National Technical University | HigherEducationReview

Cover Story

The creation of the first technical university in the Republic of Belarus was determined by the need to restore and develop the country's economy and industry. Belarus suffered greatly from revolutions and wars at that time, so it was necessary to resolve the issue of training advanced engineering personnel to revive the country. Initially, Belarusian Polytechnic Institute (BPI) had only five faculties. The first enrolment consisted of 305 students. Today BNTU is not just a conventional national engineering university with a 100-year rich history, but also a unique educational, scientific, and innovative cluster in the national system of higher education. The mission of BNTU is to provide advanced, high­quality engineering education that meets the requirements of the world's labour market, based on the close integration of educational, scientific, innovative, industrial, ideological, and educational processes. The main values of BNTU are quality, professionalism, creativity,...
