Cover Story
Established with a vision to be an Institution of Excellence in Engineering education, Innovation and Research and working towards evolving great leaders for the country's future and meeting global needs is Jyothy Institute of Technology, an institution started by a philanthropist Late Dr. B N V Subrahmanya. Starting its operations in 2011, Jyothy Institute of Technology has the primary objective of helping middle and lower-middle-class people by offering moderate fees and scholarships for the meritorious and needy in society. The secondary objective of the institution includes building an institution of excellence in innovation and product revolution. Jyothy Institute of Technology is on the path of product development and is inculcating entrepreneurial attitude in the minds of students through student...
Institutes Inculcating New-Age Learning: Interactive, Blended and Self Learning
Dr. Asmita Chitnis, Director, Symbiosis Institute of International Business (SIIB)
Adopting The Best Innovative Educational Practices To Enhance The Teaching-Learning Process In Technical Education
Dr. V. Karthikeyan, Principal, Thiagarajar Polytechnic College, Salem
Check List For Admission In Engineering Institutes
Dr. Sangeeta Arora , Assoc. Prof. Department of Computer Applications, KIET Group of Institutions
Skilling Students Plays A Major Role In Making Them Continuously Employable
Sanjay Padode & Dr. Srividya Raghavan, Secretary, Centre for Developmental Education, IFIM Institutions &, Chairperson of Center of Excellence in Entrepreneurship and Associate Professor for Marketing,IFIM
Employability In Ever Changing World
Awantika Bhardwaj, Head HR, India, Tieto India
Trends In Educational Sector
Jai Prakash Tondak, Vice President and Head, nThrive
E-Learning: The New Cool In Education
Persainjit Singh, Co-Founder & CEO,
Engineering A Key To Shining India
Silky Jain, Executive Director, Tula's Institute
The Next Big Things: Big Data And Big Revolution
Dr. Jayarama Reddy, Professor, St. Joseph's College (Autonomous)