Vidhya Sagar Women's College | HigherEducationReview

Cover Story

Justly motivated by the visions of renowned educationists, with a solid obligation to utilize inventive methodology for dissemination of knowledge, Vidhya Sagar Women's College founded in the year 2005, is situated in the heart of Chengalpattu and provides a broad platform for the women students to face new challenges in the current scenario and openings ensuring to thrive as the centre of excellence. We endeavor for a stress free and caring environment for sustaining youthful personalities. The most energizing advancement has been the new sense of identity, while enhancing the vision and ambition of the college. Honing of technical dexterity for employment & entrepreneurship is given priority. The professional readiness initiative is assured by General Awareness and Knowledge. Our college stands as an excellent example of munificence backed by progressive ideas, driving force and philanthropy. With the primary objective of providing quality education to rural women, it strives to...
