Investing In Futuristic Inventions For Greater Student Engagement | HigherEducationReview

Cover Story

Students can learn and retain academic concepts better only if they are engaged effectively in the classrooms. It wouldn't be reasonable to expect students to give their 100 percent attention when the way lessons are taught do not invoke any kind of interest or curiosity in the class. The onus of student engagement lies mainly on the shoulders of educators. Until a decade ago, it would have been challenging for colleges and universities to implement innovative models of student engagement because there was limited or rather negligible availability of resources. All that educators could rely on were the good old textbooks and other printed materials to teach, and written and oral examinations to evaluate the performance of students. While this pedagogy methodology is still very much prevalent, it is now being viewed as outdated and rote learning-oriented, thus resulting in poor student engagement. The need for the hour is to embrace innovative pedagogy strategies that will not...
