The Secret of Productivity | HigherEducationReview

Cover Story

As students, they measured our productivity in term of the marks we scored on each exam. Now, as employees, they measure our productivity in terms of the number of hours we worked every day and the targets we achieved every month. Wherever we are, one of our favourite things to measure is productivity and at one point or the other, we all want to say, yes, we hit the target. But, what should be the yardstick to measure productivity? Many experts opine that measurement of productivity on time or task basis is a 19th century obsession carried into the 21st century. In this era of dynamic technologies where things change faster than we can take in, organizations need to make learning as their centre of focus, so that the employees can be ready for the next big change, which in turn would help the businesses to survive in today's cutthroat competitions. Like the great Abraham Lincoln once said, Give me six hours to chop down a tree and I will spend the first four sharpening the axe....