University of Otago | HigherEducationReview

Cover Story

After heart attack, cancer causes the maximum number of deaths in India. In 2014 alone, 4, 91,598 people died in the country due to cancer and the number is increasing every year. While cancer remains the world's single biggest cause of death, Dr. Aniruddha Chatterjee, now a researcher at the University of Otago, has made an important discovery that would potentially lead to improvements in the way we diagnose and treat cancer. The University of Otago has been a real game changer for Dr. Chatterjee, who is an alumnus Osmania University and Vellore Institute of Technology. This year, Dr. Chatterjee became one of the only ten recipients across New Zealand to be awarded a Rutherford Discovery Fellowship, which isworth $800,000 over five years. Jason Cushen, Director International, University of Otago, says, "Dr. Chatterjeeis a wonderful ambassador for Indian students succeeding at University of Otago." An excellent platform for researchers across the globe, the University of...
