University of Campania Luigi Vanvitelli: Shaping The Bright Minds Of Tomorrow

Research is a vital component of undergraduate education and it can play a key role in any students’ learning, their higher education experience, and the development of their general skills. A name recognized for setting a niche with their approach of Research based Learning in the higher education sector is University of Campania Luigi Vanvitelli. Formerly Second University of Naples, with its 16 departments located in 5 territorial areas between Naples and Caserta, University of Campania Luigi Vanvitelli supports quality research and promotes the creation of business initiatives from research groups in a constant perspective of internationalization and cultural exchange with other universities.

Unlike other historical universities that have become mega-universities, University of Campania Luigi Vanvitelli has a historical root in Medicine while everything else is new - so it is a university enough light to be faster in innovation that best fits the needs of students.“The ideology of University of Campania Luigi Vanvitelli is that of a very dynamic institution, on various poles in an area of strong development potential in its territory. It has a historical base in the city of Naples and four other poles in the province of Caserta. There is an area with a very important history and architecture, rich in traditions and archaeological heritage. Therefore, the mission is to combine a glorious past with a modern training function”, speaks Vincenzo Nigro, Delegate for Didactics, University of Campania Luigi Vanvitelli.

Offering 65 courses between master's and three year degrees, as Prof. Nigro comments, the courses range from Medicine and Surgery (in which there is one of the largest courses in English in Medicine and Surgery in Italy and a Nursing course) to Architecture (with an English course), to Mathematics and Physics (with a course in English in Data Analytics and a master course in Physics), at Biosciences (with a master course in Molecular Biotechnology in English).

Opening Door of Opportunities for International Students

The higher education scenario in Italy has a contradictory relationship to internationalization. While recruitment of foreign students is promoted, at the same time a legal brake is put on the three-year courses in English. University of Campania Luigi Vanvitelli is increasingly focusing on international courses on the English language and on doctorates with students who have acquired the qualification of access abroad. On these parameters, University of Campania Luigi Vanvitelli has built the last two three year plans.

“At the University of Campania Luigi Vanvitelli, we support all international activities which is exactly why we have more than 180 partner EU Universities and over 100 worldwide. We modernize higher education systems in terms of educational provision, research and innovation, rendering them consistently more flexible in order to cater to the needs of society. The International cooperation has become the epitome of the University’s mission that considers International processes and global commitment in a broader perspective which supports the promotion of integration, safety, protection and the wellbeing of international students”, avers Sergio Minucci, Delegate for Internationalisation, University of Campania Luigi Vanvitelli.

“University of Campania Luigi Vanvitelli supports quality research and promotes the creation of business initiatives from research groups in a constant perspective of internationalization and cultural exchange with other universities”

Ensuring smooth transition of students at University of Campania Luigi Vanvitelli, the institute has an ‘International Welcome Desk’ with a team of dedicated advisors who are committed to providing support and enhancing the research experience for old and incoming students. Other than this, University of Campania Luigi Vanvitelli also helps incoming students with numerous facilities like Italian free language courses, Buddy system to welcome students for even before they arrive, and a ‘Welcome International Students’ App with which they can chat with their buddies and the entire student community.

Guiding Students through Research based Learning

A name renowned for its quality teaching, University of Campania Luigi Vanvitelli is also recognized for vesting its major focus on Research. Owing to this reason, since the starting of 2017, there has been specific strategies for Research implementation that have been set with particular emphasis on attracting young national or international researchers, infrastructure and equipment for Research, Grants applications and more. “To reward quality and improve the attitude of young people towards Research, we at University of Campania Luigi Vanvitelli have created the VALERE (VAnviteLli program for research), a tool that has been especially put together for the enhancement and promotion of research activities in which the University invested its growing resources. VALERE's targets are ideas and young people - to stimulate young minds into believing in their own abilities and in the value of Research while allowing the University to make a qualitative leap in perspective”, says Lucia Altucci, delegate for research. To date, Vanvitelli has invested over 50 million euros, distributed over the four years of research programming.

The Doctorate programmes offered by University of Campania are grouped by thematic areas in three Schools - Ph.D. School in Polytechnics and Basic Sciences, Ph.D. School in Life Sciences and Ph.D. School of Human and Social Sciences. These schools under University of Campania offer 12 Doctorate Programmes for the academic year of 2020/2021 that are being offered under advanced, postgraduate preparation in scientific research levels (for the call please see dottorati36/; https://www. dottorati-di-ricerca/iscriversi-ad-undottorato) .

With Research being at the core of education at University of Campania Luigi Vanvitelli, since inception the institute has been committed to enhancing the results of scientific research carried out in the sectors of Social and Human Sciences, Life Sciences and Natural and Technological Sciences. This is to encourage the meeting of researchers with companies to facilitate the stipulation of research contracts, to support teachers in the patenting activity and in the creation of spinoffs and to encourage the University's interaction with the economy both at the national and international level.

Highlighting on the Research grants recipients, Lucia Altucci shares, “At University of Campania Luigi Vanvitelli, research grant recipients are selected among all scholars who possess a valid professional and scientific curriculum. The grants obtained by the students are subject to an assessment of scientific and professional output and an individual interview and are formally assigned to recipients in top positions on the ranking list. Also, this entire process is carried out under the guidance of a specific project manager and formally selected students have a 1 to 1 guidance for their research formation.”

An Indian student should choose the medical courses because they are highly qualified and take place in the beautiful setting of the city of Naples, which offers many opportunities for cultural growth and with the health system among the best in the world. However, in addition to Medicine, Data analytics and Molecular biotechnology are courses where Indian students can actively participate and find growth opportunities. Life in Naples is not so much different from India, the same relationship with institutions and territory, a similar millennial tradition and the value of the philosophy of life and discussion make the international journey a smooth-ride for Indian students.