Duke Kunshan University

By HER, Team
The United States and China partnership between Duke University and Wuhan University in September 2013 led to the inception of Duke Kunshan University. It is a world-class liberal arts university that is located in Kunshan, China. The university offers a range of pragmatic and innovative academic programs. It started operating by offering Duke graduate degrees and Global Learning Semester program to undergraduate students from Duke and top-tier Chinese and international universities. Duke Kunshan University has 15 majors which are approved by the Chinese Ministry of Education. The majors they offer are in Applied Mathematics and Computational Sciences/Math, Culture and Movements with tracks in Cultural Anthropology, Sociology and History, Data Science, Environmental Science/Chemistry, Environmental Science/Public Policy, Ethics and Leadership with tracks in Philosophy, Religious Studies, and Public Policy, Global China Studies with tracks in History, Philosophy, Religious Studies, Economics and Political Science, Global Cultural Studies with tracks in Literature and History, Global Health with tracks in Biology and Public Policy, Institutions and Governance with tracks in Political Science and Public Policy, Material Sciences with tracks in Physics and Chemistry, Media and Arts with tracks in Creative Practice and History and a lot more.

The academics also contain master's courses in ECE, Environmental Policy, Management Studies, Global Health, Medical and Physics. Students learn at a high-tech campus that has advanced classrooms, conference facilities, multiple dining and recreational areas. There is research facility available at the university vicinity in Global Health, Environment, Contemporary China, Humanities and Regional Ozone Sino. In all the degree courses, the university emphasizes on critical thinking, creativity, collaborative and self-explorative education approach. What is more fascinating about learning at Duke Kunshan University is its Writing and Language Studio. The studio is hosted by Language and Culture Center which provides guidance and support in language and communications to the students, faculty and Duke Kunshan community.