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Top 10 Bangladesh Universities & Colleges - 2023

Higher Education Transforming lives of Bangladesh people

Higher education is a rich cultural and scientific asset which enables personal development and promotes economic, technological and social change. It promotes the exchange of knowledge, research and innovation and equips students with the skills needed to meet ever changing labour markets. Higher education, any of various types of education given in postsecondary institutions of learning and usually affording, at the end of a course of study, a named degree, diploma, or certificate of higher studies.

Importance of Higher Education in the 21st Century: The future of the world depends on the next generation. If people do not have the skills needed to face the challenges ahead, there will be no hope for the world. Higher education prepares students to enter the workforce with the necessary skills to face the challenges of the 21st century. It promotes the exchange of knowledge, research and innovation and equips students with the skills needed to meet ever changi... ng labour markets. For students in vulnerable circumstances, it is a passport to economic security and a stable future.

Significance of Bangladesh Universities and College: Universities in Bangladesh represent about 150 academic bodies of the conventional higher education institution (HEI) in Bangladesh. Segmented by management and financial structure, these include 43 public universities, 103 private universities, 3 international universities, 31 specialized colleges, and 2 special universities. There are specialized universities in both categories offering courses principally in technological studies, medical studies, business studies and Islamic studies. There are two private universities dedicated solely to female students. The number of universities is growing mostly in and around the capital city of Dhaka. The development of a modern society depends to a large extent on the nature and standard of higher education in Bangladesh. Higher education has enormous potential to promote prosperity in the developing nations. Throughout the World, universities change the society and remain the center of change and development.

This issue of Higher Education Review talks about some of the professionally managed colleges in the country, which has been nurtured with best technical and professional infrastructure and assistance from efficient and skilled faculties ensuring delivery of quality higher education and research. This issue spotlights a list of ‘Top 10 Bangladesh Universities & Colleges – 2023’, the list has been crafted by a team of Industry veterans, CEOs, VCs and the Higher Education Review editorial team.
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Top 10 Bangladesh Universities & Colleges - 2023




Bangladesh Open University Dhaka A public university that imparts education in distance mode and offering three foraml programs(SSC,HSC, BBS, BBA, MBA)
Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET) Dhaka A public technological research university offering high-quality research and education through its 18 departments under five faculties which are architecture and planning, civil engineering, engineering, electrical and electronic engineering, and mechanical engineering
Bangladesh University of Health Sciences Dhaka A pioneering educational institution/university that prioritizes on being a catalyst of positive change in the healthcare education space
Jahangirnagar University Dhaka A residential public university offering graduate, post graduate, M.Phil & PhD, and also spacial weekend & evening courses adherent to teaching and research
National University Bangladesh Gazipur An affiliating university to impart graduate and post graduate level education to the students, also providing oppurtunities for higher education among the students coming from rural and semi rural background
North East Medical College Sylhet A medical college aspires to produce skilled medical graduates and to create an ethical safe environment to treat all with respect and dignity
University of Chittagong University of Chittagong A flagship research-led universities which is known for the excellence of its teaching, research, and services to local, national and international communities
University of Dhaka Dhaka A public research university with a mission of uplifting the educational standards and providing tertiary education to people of the region
University of Rajshahi Rajshahi A public research university providing higher education and research, and to maintain international standards in education with focus on both knowledge and skills, and humanitarian and ethical values to meet the needs of the society and state
University Of Science & Technology Chittagong Chittagong A private university envisions promoting professionals and excellent leadership catering to the technological progress and development needs of the country