Revised Registration From October 11 For TS EAMCET Counselling 2022 Round 2

Telangana State Council of Higher Education (TSCHE) as per an official notification revised the TS EAMCET second counseling date 2022. The revised TS EAMCET counseling dates have been announced at The authorities will start the TS EAMCET round 2 online filling from October 11. Candidates will ensure payment of the processing fee and completion of the slot booking for selection of helpline centers and certificate verification according to a revised schedule issued by the Technical Education department on Monday.

Qualified candidates in the TS EAMCET 2022 can start registering their details, payment of the processing fee, and slot booking for certificate verification on October 11 and 12. 

Certificate verification is scheduled for October 12 and web options are available on October 12 and 13. The provisional allotment of seats is on October 16 and candidates receiving seat allotment should pay tuition fees and self-report online through the website between October 16 and 18. For further details visit - 

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