Germany Anticipates 405,000 International Students for AY 2024-25
German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) forecasts for the winter semester 2024/25 predict almost 405,000 international students in Germany, marking a 7% rise from last year's 380,000. The survey indicates that nearly 90% of universities are experiencing steady or increasing rates of international enrollment. More than half indicated rising enrollment, while a third observed a significant increase of 10% or higher.
The DAAD carried out its survey with input from more than 200 state-recognized universities, accounting for 70% of all international students in Germany. These results offer a detailed overview of the patterns and difficulties in international student enrollment for this academic year.
International enrollments for first-year students have also increased, with around 88,000 newcomers enrolling in German universities, a rise from 82,000 the year before. Master's programs play a crucial role in this expansion, with 56% of universities indicating significant rises in these enrollments.
“We should do more in science, business, and society to open up career prospects in Germany for young people who come here from all over the world to study," DAAD President Prof. Dr. Joybrato Mukherjee, said. The program presently supports 104 universities in improving assistance for international students before, during, and after their studies.
German universities remain appealing to international students, despite the nation experiencing a rising scarcity of skilled labor. In response, entities and the government are ramping up initiatives to offer career options for international students studying in Germany. The German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) is leading these efforts through its "Skilled Labour Initiative."