Free Business Training Workshops offered by IIT Guwahati under...
In collaboration with the Department...
Students Should Know: Huge Fintech Innovations and Its Role In...
India boasts the second largest...
Increase in JEE-Main Attempts from Two to Four, Starting from Next...
On Thursday Education Minister Ramesh...
IIT Madras to deliver online course on data science for engineers...
IIT Madras is now inviting...
Niti Aayog teams up with SAP Labs to Promote Digital Literacy, Innovation and Entrepreneurship
On Wednesday, Atal Innovation Mission (AIM), government think-tank Niti Aayog and SAP Labs India, said they have strengthened collaborations in India to encourage digital literacy, innovation and entrepreneurship.
As Part of Undergraduate Programmes, UGC directs Colleges to Provide UG courses with One Semester Internship
Both affiliated universities and colleges have been directed by the University Grants Commission (UGC) to offer at least one semester of internship as part of their undergraduate programmes.
Over 8K Apply for IIT-Madras' First online B.Sc course in Programming and Data Science
A total of 8,154 students enrolled in the first batch of the first-ever online BSc degree in programming and data science at the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) in Madras.
IIT Kharagpur Collaborates with University of Leeds to Promote Education and Research
The Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Kharagpur and the...
IIT Madras Signs MOU with Auckland University of Technology, New Zealand
Formalising the well-established history between the two...
How Can Students Prepare for Board Exams amid Pandemic Fear?
Board exams for classes 10 and 12 are known in the Education system...
Debyani Sinha, Global Head Human Resources (Vice President), Nucleus Software: Machines can take over Mundane jobs, Only Human Resources can Bring in Innovation & Creativity
Debyani brings over 22 years' experience in Human Resources...