
National Education Day 2024: Quality Education as a Catalyst for Change

In recognition of the birth anniversary of Maulana Abul Kalam Azad, the inaugural Education Minister of independent India, who held office from 1947 to 1958, National Education Day, is celebrated annually on November 11. Offers Free 8-Week Internship Program, an ISRO Registered Space Tutor inaugurated by IN-SPACe, offers college students an exclusive opportunity to take part in a Free Online Space Internship Program. The internship lasts eight weeks and involves 440 steps and 80 hours of...

Materials Science Engineering: The next horizon in engineering

Materials science is the quiet hero behind many technological innovations across industries. Students in pursuit of a career in the field will find a host of possibilities open up for them, especially in strategic sectors like defence & aerospace...

IIM Kozhikode Launches Program to Empower Innovative Startups

The Indian Institute of Management Kozhikode (IIMK) has launched...

Forensic Science in the Works to Make Its Way into the Law Curriculum

The Karnataka State Government is considering introducing subjects...

Wake-Up Call for Accounting Students to Broaden Their Skill Sets

KPMG, a leading accounting firm, has declared that it has decreased...

Union Cabinet Rolls Scheme to Financially aid Meritorious Students

The Union Cabinet on Wednesday approved the PM-Vidyalaxmi scheme to...

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