| | 6 September 2019HIGHERReviewIs our Higher Education Preparing the Youth for Tomorrow?Women in Leadership Bridging the Gender GapThe Dilemma of Reward!Nandita Abraham, CEO, Pearl AcademyProf. Dr. Rima Ghose Chowdhury, HoD HRM, NL Dalmia Institute of Management Studies & ResearchProfessor Abhilasha Singh, Provost and Vice-President for Academic Affairs, American University in the Emirates, Dubai, UAE260850INDUSTRY INSIGHTSIN MY VIEWCONTRIBUTORSLAST WOR DDIRECTOR'S INSIGHTSHow Smart Class Technologies are Helping Students be Better Prepared for Higher Education and be Job-ready?Divya Lal, Managing Director, Ebix Smartclass48Global University Rankings: A Roadmap For IndiaAnubhuti Dwivedi, Professor & Dean, Asian Business School36The Transition of Indian Education SystemProf. Suprabha Bakshi, Assistant Professor, Alliance Business School18Mass Media: The Ever-Evolving Weapon of AdvertisingVibhuti Bhatt, Director, ONE Advertising & Communication Services Limited20Technologies in Higher EducationDr. Nachamma Sockalingam, Assistant Director - Learning Sciences Lab, Singapore University of Technology and Design30SCHOLASTIC VIEWPOINT
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