| |19 September 2020HIGHERReviewexample, in the conventional scenario, a learner can only approach the teach-er to clarify any doubts during school hours. However, many online learning platforms do have doubts about clarifi-cation sessions that allow students to instantly clarify their doubts.Peer LearningOnline learning opens the door to collaboration amongst students. In a classroom setting, teachers limits the students to discover their learn-ing through their classmates. Online learning platforms do, however, have a dedicated learning community in which students can help each other learn. They can collaborate on proj-ects, clarify the doubts of one another or discuss projects. This helps them to get a fresh perspective on subjects and to relearn concepts.b. Making Learning More EngagingOne of the reasons why technological intervention is successful in the K-12 sector is because of its great potential to make educational content interest-ing and engaging. Digital content has become a valuable tool for both the students and teachers thanks to 2D and 3D technology. Theory in itself is not sufficient to get students to under-stand concepts. Digital content is easy to grasp, due to its interactive nature. Students can better understand and retain concepts. In the near future, we would see a proliferation of content using technologies such as Augmented Reality (AR), Virtual Reality (VR), and Mixed Reality (MR).c. Artificial Intelligence Compared to other sectors such as health and infrastructure, technology has been a late entrant in the education sector due to which it is also bound to delay the impact of artificial intelli-gence. But it has tremendous poten-tial to enhance learning outcomes in the education sector. Adaptive learn-ing-This is a revolutionary learning approach driven by artificial intelli-gence, where the learning route for each learner is customized based on experiences with learners. It recom-mends a series of tests and study mate-rials, to reduce each learner 's learning differences and achieve their individu-al learning goals. This customized way of learning allows learners to study at their own pace and according to their own abilities. A customized learning experience thus effectively involves the students in their own learning.To add to the introduction of tech-nology, over the last decade the ed-ucation sector has also undergone a revolution in the approach to teaching and learning.Alleviating the Burden on Teachers Technology also can be a great ally for teaching. The digital content that al-ready exists helps teachers effectively engage the classroom. We'll see an im-provement in the introduction of the Learning Management System (LMS) into the K-12 field in the coming years. LMS assists in the preparation and im-plementation of training courses and in the control of their implementation. An LMS will help a teacher plan the curriculum in-depth and track prog-ress in learning as well.There was an increase in content on e-learning. Nonetheless, a large portion of the material available is unsuccessful in engaging students and enhancing learning outcomes. Therefore, parameters will have to be set to determine content. The role of government institutions in promoting these initiatives is paramount.Thus it can be assumed that in the next few years, the k-12 sector will witness improved learning outcomes. It will enable an environment condu-cive to increased student engagement and improved teacher performance.One of the reasons why technological intervention is successful in the K-12 sector is because of its great potential to make educational content interesting and engagingUttam Singh, Principal
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