| | 6 DECEMBER 2018HIGHERReviewMOOCs as a Skilling PlatformStringing together Technology, Pedagogy and New Age SkillsStrides in Electrical EngineeringThe Need of Human Resource in Higher Education: A Roller- Coaster GameHow E-Learning has become a Vital Part of Corporate DNA?India's `Silent Skill Development Mission' Needs To Make Some NoiseJayakrishnan M, Senior Scientist, NPTEL, IIT MadrasPlaban Kumar Bhowmick, Assistant Professor, Indian Institute of Technology KharagpurParvathy A. K., Professor and HoD of EEE, Hindustan UniversityNikhat Hamza, Director - HR & FTA, BS Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute of Science and TechnologyArun Rajamani, General Manager, Pluralsight IndiaAnil Pant, MD & CEO, AptechMENTOR'S OPINIONDIRETOR'S INSIGHTSSCHOLASTIC VIEWPOINTINDUSTRY INSIGHTSSCHOLASTIC VIEWPOINTLAST WORD141824404450IN MY VIEWChange in Thinking ­ The Only Way to Secure the Future of Indian Higher Education System Dr. Vikram Venkateswaran, Management Thinker and Founder-Editor, Healthcare India08
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