| |19 DECEMBER 2024HIGHERReviewCHRIST INSTITUTE OF MANAGEMENTA HAVEN FOR THE HOLISTIC DEVELOPMENT OF NEXT-GEN LEADERSthe majority of whom hold prior industry and teaching experience along with requisite educational qualifications, as per UGC, AICTE, and the university guidelines. The college makes sure to hire such candidates and considers them an invaluable resource for the institution and the students alike in gaining theoretical knowledge and practical exposure. The industrialists and veterans in the college's management team and advisory board provide a further edge in preparing business-oriented pedagogy. CIM's strategic location in Gujarat, one of the prominent business epicenters, also adds an advantage in its collaboration with industry, in turn enhancing the relevance and impact of the education. CIM leaves no stone unturned in promoting experiential learning, which is evident in each of its endeavors. For example, the classes are conducted in the form of seminars prepared and presented by the students of the same class along with industry experts, entrepreneurs, and diverse professionals. In addition, the students can choose from the additional seminars conducted on campus. CIM's internship program, which, as Rev. Fr. Dr Jomon says, further plays an integral role in providing the students with hands-on experience of the business realm. Students are mandated to work in the industry as interns and are assessed primarily on their performance certificates provided by their respective employer. Furthermore, CIM offers yearly free skill development programs, such as photography, cooking, and soap handcrafting workshops, which aim at fueling the institute's overarching focus on the students' holistic development. Another distinctive factor that stands as a testament to CIM's deep-seated dedication to quality education is its modern infrastructure conducive to learning. "Our infrastructural facilities, right from the green campus to the libraries and state-of-the-art classrooms, are well-ventilated, well-lit, and create a refreshing and energizing atmosphere for the students to study for long hours, which is often overlooked in the education sector," adds Rev. Fr. Dr Jomon. Expanding PossibilitiesCIM's emphasis on supporting its students also extends to aiding financial assistance through multiple scholarship programs. They are categorized majorly into different slabs of merit-based scholarships for the 12th grade students, need-based scholarships for economically disadvantaged groups, and performance-based scholarships for the students who excel in the semester examinations of CIM. This pursuit is also complimented by the institute's provision of ample entrepreneurial opportunities, which guide students to grow into innovators in their chosen fields. An ideal example would be its `earn while you learn' initiative, in which students are coaxed to achieve academic excellence, real-world expertise, and financial independence together. Adding to the `earn while you learn' program, CIM is also planning to invest more in novel pedagogies, which promote the students to study along their part-time work and also become entrepreneurs. "We always tell our students to contribute to the growth and development of the country. We, as a prized institute, epitomize quality standards, and when the quality is coupled with our values and unrelenting disciplinary approach, we believe we can bring exemplary experts to any industry and the best citizens to the nation," concludes Rev. Fr. Dr Jomon. Operated with an objective to leverage management education of global standards, CIM is unsurpassed in delivering high-quality service & achievements since its inaugurationMANAGEMENT COLLEGEOF THE YEAR - 2024 HIGHER EDUCATIONReview
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