| | 8 NOVEMBER 2022HIGHERReviewIN MY VIEWAfter experiencing the pain of losing a loved one to lung cancer at the tender age of 10 years old, Assistant Professor Edison Ang turned the emotional setback into an inspiration. It spurred him to complete his Doctor in Philosophy (PhD), and at the age of 33, he become an assistant professor at the National Institute of Education, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore (NIE NTU, Singapore). This inspiration also led him to aspire to continually undertake high-level research and development, contribute to humanity, and nurture the next generation of youth. "I believe that the younger generation is humanity's greatest asset, and they are also the future of sustainability", shared Assistant Professor Ang. To this day, this belief has shaped his conviction towards research in order to empower teachers to inspire the next generation of young scientists and engineers whom he believed would bring about change to the world.As a researcher at NIE NTU, Assistant Professor Ang is deeply interested in a wide range of nanoscale materials particularly two-dimensional (2D) nanosheets that are 100,000 times thinner than the hair of human, and graphene, which can be found in pencil lead. "Understanding the properties of these nanomaterials has significant technological implications in energy conversion and storage, water purification, and food and beverage implementations", quipped Assistant Professor Ang. His research activities include nanomaterial design and fabrication, surface modification, coating, arrays and thin-film fabrications, defect engineering, 3D printed materials, developing sustainable materials, materials characterization, and device design. "My team studies the fundamentals of nanomaterials, establish low-cost NIE PROFESSOR REVOLUTIONISING MANUFACTURING TECHNOLOGY WITH HIS PASSION IN NANOMATERIALSBy National Institute of Education, Nanyang Technological University, SingaporeDr Edison Ang, Assistant Professor
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