| |19 SEPTEMBER 2022HIGHERReviewWell, Education is a very important industry across all countries, and each country strives to put it first aspiring to build a skilled and knowledgeable community that's capable of performing progressive developments across sectors, and the same goes with Malaysia too. The country dividing its education system into preschool education, primary education, secondary education, post-secondary education, and tertiary education, lays a great emphasis on strengthening the learning culture amongst its demography. However, classifying its higher education system intothree major groups- Research Universities, Focused Universities and Comprehensive Universities, it ardently crafts the careers of its populace.With more than 30 years of experience in international education, Malaysia also offers unique, well-structured higher education system to all with an opportunity to purse an international qualification at competitive rates. Malaysia hosts more than 100 institutions both public and private, including foreign branches of reputable universities from the US, UK, Australia, and Ireland. The latter are offered either at their own overseas branch campus or in partnership with a Malaysian institution. One can choose the US, UK, Irish, Australian or Malaysian academic qualifications designed with flexibility and affordability in mind.As of 30th September 2019, there were a total of 1,325,699 students pursuing their tertiary education in Malaysia, which comprises of 574,202 (49.7 percent) in public universities and 666,617 (50.3 percent) in PHEIs. Though as pandemic cause turbulence across regions, Malaysia too was affected with it, but standing upright bolting down its higher education through its accomplishing colleges and universities, the country is doing remarkably good in the field.Higher Education Review, in this issue presents a list of `Top 10 Universities & Colleges in Malaysia - 2022' who have been offering best-in-class education in the country. The following list has been prepared after being closely scrutinized by a distinguished panel of judges including CXOs, analysts and our editorial board.UNIVERSITIES &COLLEGES IN MALAYSIA- 2022 HIGHER EDUCATIONReview TOP 10
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