| | 8 April 2018HIGHERReviewIN MY VIEWTHE RADICAL CHANGES TAKING PLACE IN EDUCATION SECTORBy Dr. Michelle Deaker, Chief Executive Officer and Managing Director, OneVenturesThe transformation of the education sec-tor presents many opportunities. The education sector is in the pro-cess of transformation, rapidly becoming the new frontier of investment for venture capital (VC) and private equity (PE) firms. Educational programs are changing so they are cheap-er, more efficient, and more tailored to the exact needs of the student - from primary school to university. Even as primary and sec-ondary schools are adopting digital curricula, a survey by consultants McKinsey found 60 percent of teachers in the US lack the digital resourc-es they need. For science and languages teachers in earlier grades, the figure is over 70 percent. In Australia, some 40 percent of STEM teachers do not hold a degree in science or mathematics.In tertiary education, in-stitutions are looking to boost enrolments, which have been stagnant or falling in a num-ber of countries. The issue is affordability.Various commentators, including President Barack Obama, have called for compe-tency-based education (CBE). Like Intelligent adaptive learn-ing (IAL), this involves the per-sonalisation of education. Stu-dents are only taught what they do not know, and are assessed on what they actually learn, rather than on their atten-dance in classes. With CBE, a course bypasses what a student already knows.Michelle established OneVentures in late 2006, coming into the venture capital industry as a successful IT industry business owner and entrepreneur. Michelle has extensive experience in the development of high growth technology companies, a strong background in Australian R&D and expertise in global business expansion. Michelle has over 10 years' experience in research and development with leading Australian universities and CSIRO where she not only worked in technical areas but also in corporate public affairs. She holds a Bachelor of Science (First Class Honours) (double major in Physics and Chemistry) and with both Commonwealth and CSIRO Postgraduate Research Scholarships and numerous publications, was awarded a Master of Science and a PhD in Applied Science.Dr. Michelle Deaker
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