| | 8 May 2017HIGHERReviewE ducation globally faces the chal-lenge of bridging the gap between employment and education. As such few pertinent questions which do arise in our mind:· How will India realize its demographic divi-dend by skilling its young population?· How can current learning models adapt in a world of exciting new education technology?· How to innovate and bring change in the on-going education system?With technology entwined in almost every part of our lives, it only makes sense to use ICT and mobile technology right from the classroom. However, the current world is evolving more rapidly than the capacity of any existing education system. The chal-lenge of learning is getting even harder for the next generations. Perhaps, flexible process models will be able to face the changes com-pared to fixed-style models. This leads us to another question: · What is the most important skill to teach our kids in schools? · Answer: Build creative and innova-tive minds that can adapt and face future challenges.Governments adopt policies such as free basic education and mid-day meals at schools for a large base of students to allow and attract the under-privileged to learn. These policies have a wide range of standards, quality and infrastructure and therefore, a focused strat-egy on the essential skills such as the following should be implemented: Creative thinking Find innovative solutions Ability to evaluate current status and find better alternatives To achieve the above, we need to apply creative and innovative strategies in education with focus on the basic kid's education. While education systems are varying in their capa-bility to implement creative teaching methods and curricula, a teacher can easily adapt his/IN MY VIEWInnovation in technology-enabled educationBy Ajay Kumar Jha, Head, Device Technology, On Device Applications & Data VAS, MTS - Sistema Shyam Teleservices Ltd.
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