| |7 November 2017HIGHERReview5 Ways Why Education System Needs to Ensure Safety Measures in the PremisesPersonality Development at College LevelGender Disparity in MBA Classrooms: The Road to Women EmpowermentGunjan Dhanuka, Co-Founder and Director, Safe'O'BuddyDr. Deen Dayal, Assistant Professor, Govt. P.G. College, Mant, Mathura, Uttar PradeshDr. Nina Jacob, Professor - HR & OB, IFIM Business SchoolDIRECTOR'S INSIGHTSSCHOLASTIC VIEWPOINTLAST WORDAbacus Overseas Education Advisors16Estero New Zealand18Future Abroad19Imperial Overseas Education Consultants24Manchester International Educational Consultancy26Mancomp Overseas Education27Orient Spectra28Overseas Education World32Prem N Kapur Associates34Rao Overseas Consultancy35Study Smart37SIG36123038CONSULTANCY OF THE YEAR - 2017OVERSEASHIGHER EDUCATIONReviewCONTENTSAnurag Jain, Co-Founder & Director
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