| | 8 NOVEMBER 2018HIGHERReviewUniversities of the Future, a Tsunami in the Making, where values, morals and ethics do matter:Welcome to the Universities of Future in times of VUCA, now a popular acronym for Volatili-IN MY VIEWIN MY VIEWHIGHER EDUCATION FOR HUMAN VALUES IN AN ERA OF INNOVATION, ENTREPRENEURSHIP AND DISRUPTIVE TECHNOLOGIESBy Dr. Anoop Swarup, Founding Vice Chancellor, Jagran Lakecity University, India and Chair, Global Knowledge Alliance, Australia"Disruptive because many in the higher ed com-munity worry that unless they're careful, uni-versities will go the way of newspapers and the music industry: give their product away for free online and lose customers in the process," from Ida Lieszkovsky in MOOCS and the Future of Technology in Higher Education.Indeed, this prophetic yet a stark reality may sound alarming now. Yes, in an era of innovation, entrepreneurship and disruption, the future of Higher Education and the Universities as we know is at stake, lest we forget the report of the first University Educa-tion Commission of independent India (1948-49), as much rele-vant today as it was then, chaired by the educationist, philosopher and scholar S Radhakrishnan, who went on to become the first vice-president and second President of Independent India. It reads: "Freedom of individual development is the basis of democracy. In-tellectual progress demands the maintenance of the spirit of free in-quiry. The pursuit and practice of truth regardless of consequences has been the ambition of universities. An atmosphere of freedom is essential for developing this `morality of the mind'."Dr. Anoop Swarup Dr. Anoop Swarup is Vice Chancellor Jagran Lakecity University and Chairman Center for Global Nonkilling, Hawaii; having been Vice Chancellor Shobhit University; United Nations Representative with the UNSC; Founder Chairman Global Knowledge Alliance, GEO Reviewer with the IPCCUNEP; as an officer of Indian Revenue Service and Commissioner at the Government of India. He has authored many books notably, Regional Economics Engagement and the Free Trade Agreements - Analytical Insights and Policy Options (2010) and The World of Money Laundering Financial Crimes and Commercial Frauds (2006). He has been a visitor with Monash University, a speaker and resource person with Universities and Think Tanks in India and abroad. Recipient of Presidential Award, Republic of India (2003), he has over 35 years of distinguished professional experience in diverse roles as a poet, peace activist, life scientist, futurist, social entrepreneur, civil servant and an educationist.
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