| | 8 JULY 2024HIGHERReviewAs technology changes and advances, education too adapts to and adopts new innovations. The traditional mode of learning, solely in brick-and-mortar classrooms, is a thing of the past, especially considering the current global pandemic. Consumer behavior (in this case, that of students) has shifted online, so it makes sense that many expect for information and education to be at their fingertips.Exponential increases in the amount of knowledge medical students must master are generated by advancements in medical technology and medicine itself. Back in 2005, Hilz and Turoff wrote that "Online learning is a new social process that is beginning to act as a complete substitute for both distance learning and the traditional face-to-face class" and that it would "radically change the nature of what is thought of as the typical college course." Fifteen years later, this could not be more true. A meta-analysis of student learning success via the flipped classroom approach found that, in health professions education, there was a significant improvement in student learning as compared to traditional teaching methods.There are many ways in which educational institutions are working to meet this demand ­ from offering distance learning courses, to implementing blended learning methods, med schools world-wide are stepping up. Utilizing online medical education tools actually allows for educators to provide and students to take advantage of different types of learning techniques, a few of which are detailed here:The "Flipped Classroom" ApproachAs mentioned above, perhaps one of the most obvious advantages of an online learning platform is that students EDUCATIONAL ADAPTATIONS: ELEARNING AS A TOOL FOR MEDICAL EDUCATORSFOCAL POINT
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