| |19 Aug 2019HIGHERReviewdents to acquire relevant knowledge and success in their career. For the holistic development of the students, we encourage them to participate in hackathons, inter and intra college contests, sports and other extra-cur-ricular activities".MCA Programme has been ac-credited by National Board of Ac-creditation (NBA) for its academic quality. Maintaining high standards of education, the department has a vibrant group of 18 faculty members with many years of teaching and re-search experience and with several national and international journal publications to their credit. The fac-ulty members, along with PSGCT administration support, are instru-mental in establishing several centers of excellence in collaboration with industry leaders. Every six months, PSGCT conducts Board of Studies to attain academic excellence through fine-tuning a well-designed curricu-lum, with expert inputs from indus-try and academia, to meet dynamic technological needs and to acclimate to innovations in the teaching-learn-ing process. MCA curriculum consists of six semesters with a total of 120 credits and the students are evaluated based on their performances in exams, lab-oratory courses, mini and major proj-ect works. As the focus of education at PSG College of Technology has always been towards practice-orient-ed teaching, all lectures are supple-mented with practice and develop-ment sessions. PSGCT always feels the key to enhance education is to empower teachers. Teachers are pro-vided with continuous support for attending faculty development pro-grams, participation in Internation-al / National events and interact with in-dustries to keep the curriculum match-ing to industry needs and standards and mold the graduates ready for employ-ment. The excellent infrastructure at PS-GCT comprising of well-designed and equipped Labora-tories and Centers of Excellence fa-cilitate students and faculty to solve problems and undertake projects and research. Dr. R Rudramoorthy, Former Principal, PSG College of Technology says, "PSG College of Technology since inception has al-ways linked education and industri-al practice together. This is one of the reasons our graduates are well placed in industries right from their first job. Department of Computer Applications has always been work-ing in collaboration with industries in setting up a center of excellence, organizing workshops on state of art technologies". Adding to this, Dr. A Chitra says, "We have the honor and privilege as the first procurer and user of the powerful ParamSha-vak supercomputer, designed indig-enously by Centre for Development of Advanced Computing (CDAC)".Industrial Influence and Alumni VerdictsFor the students to have a work-integrated learning experience, the curric-ulum of MCA includes a one-semester full-time project work, where the students undertake projects in IT companies during their final semes-ter. In this line of focus, one-credit courses on state-of-art technologies are offered by the practicing engi-neers and IT professionals. As part of practice-oriented teaching, apart from the regular theory examina-tions, the students are prepared for software package development, en-abling them to perform extraordi-narily well in their professional ca-reers. The performance of graduates in the companies they join is always well appreciated by employers. Mr. Balasubramanian, Software Devel-opment Manager, Amazon say, "PSG Tech MCA graduates are more indus-try-ready and are very successful in our organization. PSG tech attracts talented students and their curricu-lum is up to date with industry asks. This coupled with active industry COLLEGES IN INDIA - 2019HIGHER EDUCATIONReview TOP 10 PROMISINGMCADr A Chitra, Prof & Head, Dept of Computer Applications
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