| |7 SEPTEMBER 2024HIGHERReviewLAST WORD IN MY VIEWThe Growing Significance of Nurturing Students with a Global PerspectiveWhat Top Qualities Do Employers Seek When HiringHow IoT is Transforming Higher Education for the BetterOpening the Alumni TapOpening the Alumni TapNeed of a Transformed Education System in Today's Digital World!!Dr. Lilian I. JasperPrincipal & SecretaryWomen's Christian CollegeSoumitra DasGlobal CHRORedingtonSaradar Simarpreet SinghDirectorJIS GroupAbbas MasterAssociate Director - MI&A AssessmentsCRISILBinaifer JehaniBusiness Head - MI&A Assessments CRISILArvind Singh Head - Information Technology 7-Eleven India1016262430FOCAL POINT08Leveraging Higher Education: How Top CEOs Climbed the Corporate LadderINDUSTRY INSIGHTSEDUCATIONAL PERSPECTIVE
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