| | 8 8 August 2020HIGHERReviewFor moulding Indian Higher Education institutions into an international standard, we need to take a broader perspective and change the focus from outbound stu-dent mobility to inbound student mobility – the responsibil-ity for this change falls on the shoulders of universities and faculties. Globalisation has resulted in an increased demand for the internationalization of education. In Higher Educa-tion, this has taken the form of universities with campus-es all over the world, international research collaborations between institutions and scholars, the development of an international curriculum and greater mobility of faculty and students. Globalisation has brought about a change in the func-tion of Higher Education, as universities have been charged with the task of equipping their graduates not just with subject skills and knowledge, but with the capabilities to function effectively in the modern world. In order to be competitive in this new global context, students need to graduate with a global mindset, the ability to function in and communicate across cultures, and with the all-im-portant plethora of 21st Century skills. One increasingly popular way to develop this cross-cultural and multi-ju-risdictional skill-set that is gaining traction in Higher Education across the globe is student mobility or study abroad programmes. There are many forms which study abroad takes; from full degree programs undertaken in overseas institutions, to a year or semester-long international exchange programs, summer schools, short-term internships, and cultural im-mersion programs. Over the past decade, we have witnessed many institutions building an international office or team that focus specifically on developing and creating opportu-nities for student mobility. Traditionally, in the Indian con-text, however, student mobility is most often seen with In-dian students going to countries such as the United States of America, the United Kingdom or Australia to complete all or part of their degree. For example, in the year 2017, 70,000 Indian students were pursuing a degree in Australia. In addition to this, some Indian universities offer outbound short-term mobil-ity programmes which allow students to undertake student exchange, internships or summer schools in other countries. While these opportunities for Indian students are integral to the internationalization of India's higher education sector, in order to become truly international, India needs to take advantage of its rising status in the global world order and in-crease the inbound opportunities for international students from other countries. Why should India welcome more International Students?While there are some inbound programs such as the Ful-bright Scholarship, Endeavour Scholarship, New Colom-bo Plan and Passport to India Program, opportunities for international students to experience India are few and far between. In the same year when more than 70,000 Indian students traveled to Australia for study purposes, By Shaun Star, Associate Professor & Associate Dean, Jindal Global Law SchoolINTERNATIONALISATION OF HIGHER EDUCATION AND STUDENT MOBILITYIN MY VIEW
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