| |5 5 August 2020HIGHERReviewCongratulationsDr.Prof.Regunath Parakkal Sir for your great achievements. One of the best consultant-Counselling in India, Best international inspira-tion teacher innovation award holder. Trainer of trainers Govt of India, Member of American Psychological Association.0491 254 3166, +91 9207 41 22 88Run By HKT NIMS Healthcare LLP. Welcare Jn, Near Mercy College, PALAKKAD-KERALA WELCARESenior Consultant-CounsellingNIMS Department of PsychologyCongratulationsDr.Prof.Regunath Parakkal Sirachievements. One of the best consultant-Counselling in India, Best international inspiration teacher innovation award holder. Trainer of trainers Govt of India, Member of American Psychological Association.+91 9447083118Dr.Prof.Regunath ParakkalFC.Y.SCW,SDRT,PGDSM,PFDPC(HCA)MDCM,PH.D(PYSC)DSC(CONFD)PGDFM, PGDMM,FMRP(MSP)Senior Consultant-Counsellingwww.psychologistpalakkad.comwww.palakkadcounselling.comCONGRATULATIONSCONGRATULATIONSMember of AMERICAN Psychological AssociationFellow ITOL (Sts-Institute-Govt.of UK) Prof.Mem IAC (Uno’s consultative stts)D Litt(hc.california) Dr.Med(ISR)
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