| |9 AUGUST 2024HIGHERReviewof the Boston Tea Party. Similarly, a student studying the history of the Cold War could simulate a United Nations negotiation exercise and take on the role of a delegate from a particular country.Caters To Critical Thinking & Value EducationIt creates a culture of critical thinking and value education in students. This allows the student to understand the various perspectives of the different countries involved and think critically to identify potential solutions. It also teaches the student important values such as cooperation and negotiation, which are essential in the world today. This helps the student to become a responsible global citizen who can make informed decisions and take meaningful action. It also enables them to think outside the box and come up with creative solutions to the world's most pressing problems. For instance, students can be encouraged to discuss the differences in the perspectives of countries on global issues such as climate change or international trade, and to analyze the potential consequences of different outcomes. They can even be encouraged to come up with their own ideas on how to solve the world's problems, like launching a giant bubblegum-filled balloon to fix the ozone layerContributes To Personality DevelopmentPerforming arts contribute to personality development. Children can learn to think creatively and outside the box, developing critical problem-solving skills. They can also develop a greater sense of self-confidence, as they have the opportunity to express their own ideas and be heard. This can translate into better performance in the classroom, and eventually into better job opportunities. Additionally, children can learn to respect the opinions of others, as well as appreciate and value diversity. Through expressing their own ideas and having them heard, children can learn to appreciate and value diversity as well as respect others' opinions, contributing to their personal growth and development. For instance, in a classroom setting, teachers can lead activities that encourage students to share their opinions on various topics, such as the environment, politics, or current events, to foster empathy. Even if those opinions are about how much they hate a particular class.To conclude, performing arts give students a voice and enhance their problem solving skills. It also allows them to practice their public speaking skills in a setting where they can collaborate with their peers. This, in turn, increases their confidence and helps build their team spirit. Performing arts also give students the opportunity to express their creativity and showcase their talents. Moreover, it helps develop self-confidence and creativity. It encourages students to think critically and develop a strong sense of self-expression. It also promotes discipline, focus and perseverance. Skills like these can be beneficial in many areas of their lives.
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